
The Need for Big Ideas In Fort Collins' Arts & Culture

Beet Street's vision is inspired by the model of the Chautauqua Institution in upstate New York. When we say "inspired" we refer to aspects of that concept that will work well in our market and play well with the established arts and culture of in the community.

That said, we continue to find inspiration for future programming and areas of focus from all over the world. Innovation in the arts and culture inspire us to propel this vision for Fort Collins beyond our stated intent and find opportunities to engage and excite participants with the goal of keeping visitors coming back to Old Town for future generations.

Check out Innovation Odyssey: Sustaining the Tradition of Innovation in Boston's Arts & Culture The mix of arts & culture, research and development, technology, health care, etc. is not unlike the mix of opportunities found here. In many ways, I see more risk-taking, visionary and collaborative ventures than found in many of our country's largest cities. The only thing that sets us apart is scale.

What are your big ideas for arts and culture in Fort Collins?

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